The Planscape Difference

What makes Planscape different?

Planscape is free (and always will be) for anyone to use through a web browser. Our goal is to democratize the best data and science to help anyone and everyone make the best planning decisions.
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Planscape Code GitHub

Planscape code is openly available for anyone to use, with a public-domain, no-copyright license

We welcome collaborators. Reach out if you’d like to contribute a module, or adapt Planscape for a new geography.

The science and models used by Planscape are transparent. There is no ‘black box’.
We build easy to use interfaces so you don’t need to be an expert to enter your goals and constraints, or to understand the results – but we’re always transparent about how our models work.

Built on the best, peer-reviewed science. We are not developing new science – Planscape brings best-of-breed tools like ForSys, FVS, Gridfire, Treemap, PROMOTe and others in an easy to use tool through a web browser.
Previously, the best science models were only available to a handful of experts in government labs. Planscape makes them available to all. Reach out if you think we’re missing tools or models that should be incorporated.

Planscape screen image
Planscape ingests hundreds of scientifically approved data layers. The sources, descriptions and vintages of each are transparently provided. Users can download any data layers used in Planscape.
by USFS, State of California, The California Wildfire & Forest Resilience Taskforce, the University of California, and others. No entity has commercial ownership of Planscape, or profits from its success. We welcome new members of the Planscape cooperative.  Incorporates climate change models. We believe we can’t achieve wildfire, ecological, watershed or other resilience without considering the pressures of climate change. By building in future facing models, we help planners understand where best to apply efforts today.

Climate Change Models

We believe we can’t achieve wildfire, ecological, watershed or other resilience without considering the pressures of climate change.
By building in future facing models, we help planners understand where best to apply efforts today.